Success Stories



Auch die­ses Jahr wur­den drei Gewin­ner Start-ups nomi­niert. Sowohl eine Jury aus Expert*innen als auch das Publi­kum konn­ten in den Kateo­g­ori­en “Glo­bal Impact”, “Local Impact” und “Big Foot” abstim­men.



Auch die­ses Jahr wur­den drei Gewin­ner Start-ups nomi­niert. Sowohl eine Jury aus Expert*innen als auch das Publi­kum konn­ten in den Kateo­g­ori­en “Glo­bal Impact”, “Local Impact” und “Big Foot” abstim­men.



Den Preis für “Big Foot” gewann die­ses Jahr das 2023 gegrün­de­te Start-up Kubi­on aus Osna­brück. Mit­grün­der Anton Lauk­em­per und Kolleg*innen unter­stüt­zen Unter­neh­men dabei ihre Unter­neh­mens­pro­zes­se nach­hal­ti­ger und effi­zi­en­ter zu gestal­ten. Dabei liegt ihr Fokus auf Indi­vi­du­al­lö­sun­gen im Bereich Kame­ra­ba­sier­ter Pro­zess­über­wa­chung und Qua­li­täts­ana­ly­se.



Der Award “Impact Local” geht die­ses Jahr an den Grün­der Tore Wald­hau­sen des Start-ups R3leaf aus Leip­zig. Ihre Mis­si­on und Visi­on die Trans­for­ma­ti­on der Bau­bran­che zu beschleu­ni­gen, rea­li­sie­ren sie mit ihrer Soft­ware, wel­che auto­ma­ti­siert Nach­hal­tig­keits­an­for­de­run­gen an Bestands­ge­bäu­de anhand einer Adress­ein­ga­be erfasst und Lösungs­maß­nah­men gene­riert.



Der drit­te Preis ging an das Duis­bur­ger Start-up Aer­o­light und des­sen Grün­der Chris­toph Dwor­at­zyk. Das Kern­pro­dukt von Aer­o­light ist ihr AEROPUTZ Aero­gel Hoch­leis­tungs-Dämm­putz-Sys­tem. Ziel ist es die Gebäu­de­däm­mung mit ihren nach­hal­ti­gen Pro­duk­ten „enkel­fä­hig“ zu machen und die Fas­sa­den­däm­mung zu revo­lu­tio­nie­ren.



Den Preis für “Big Foot” gewann die­ses Jahr das 2023 gegrün­de­te Start-up Kubi­on aus Osna­brück. Mit­grün­der Anton Lauk­em­per und Kolleg*innen unter­stüt­zen Unter­neh­men dabei ihre Unter­neh­mens­pro­zes­se nach­hal­ti­ger und effi­zi­en­ter zu gestal­ten. Dabei liegt ihr Fokus auf Indi­vi­du­al­lö­sun­gen im Bereich Kame­ra­ba­sier­ter Pro­zess­über­wa­chung und Qua­li­täts­ana­ly­se.



Der Award “Impact Local” geht die­ses Jahr an den Grün­der Tore Wald­hau­sen des Start-ups R3leaf aus Leip­zig. Ihre Mis­si­on und Visi­on die Trans­for­ma­ti­on der Bau­bran­che zu beschleu­ni­gen, rea­li­sie­ren sie mit ihrer Soft­ware, wel­che auto­ma­ti­siert Nach­hal­tig­keits­an­for­de­run­gen an Bestands­ge­bäu­de anhand einer Adress­ein­ga­be erfasst und Lösungs­maß­nah­men gene­riert.



Der drit­te Preis ging an das Duis­bur­ger Start-up Aer­o­light und des­sen Grün­der Chris­toph Dwor­at­zyk. Das Kern­pro­dukt von Aer­o­light ist ihr AEROPUTZ Aero­gel Hoch­leis­tungs-Dämm­putz-Sys­tem. Ziel ist es die Gebäu­de­däm­mung mit ihren nach­hal­ti­gen Pro­duk­ten „enkel­fä­hig“ zu machen und die Fas­sa­den­däm­mung zu revo­lu­tio­nie­ren.

That was a match!

The solution from Zolitron, the provider of AI-based waste management solutions, was not only presented at garage DU's Demo Night 2023, but also comprehensively implemented in practice: During the leaf collection season, the cleaning crews regularly recorded and emptied a total of almost 1900 leaf baskets and their fill levels. In addition, 8049 piles of leaves were located and vacuumed up shortly afterwards.

Zolitron continues to have good links with Duisburg's commercial enterprises. Several projects are planned in the innovation department of the WBD, where Zolitron is also on board. The success story of our matching program will soon be featured in the association's magazine VKS News.


That was a match!

The solution from Zolitron, the provider of AI-based waste management solutions, was not only presented at garage DU's Demo Night 2023, but also comprehensively implemented in practice: During the leaf collection season, the cleaning crews regularly recorded and emptied a total of almost 1900 leaf baskets and their fill levels. In addition, 8049 piles of leaves were located and vacuumed up shortly afterwards.

Zolitron continues to have good links with Duisburg's commercial enterprises. Several projects are planned in the innovation department of the WBD, where Zolitron is also on board. The success story of our matching program will soon be featured in the association's magazine VKS News.

GEBAG Klimathon

is a sustainability app that - as the name suggests - was published together with GEBAG. It can be found not only in the usual stores, but also via the Start-upper of 2zero itself. Employees can playfully ensure greater sustainability in the workplace. What happens after the successful test run? With the question of how the application can be optimized for expansion to tenants. Discussions are ongoing.



is a sustainability app that - as the name suggests - was published together with GEBAG. It can be found not only in the usual stores, but also via the Start-upper of 2zero itself. Employees can playfully ensure greater sustainability in the workplace. What happens after the successful test run? With the question of how the application can be optimized for expansion to tenants. Discussions are ongoing.

Summertime is
solar time

and also the time of Smart Inspection. Then, in cooperation with Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (DVV), a photovoltaic-performance analysis is planned. And there are also plans for a Smart Inspection - with its drone technology and artificial intelligence for buildings, district heating, indoor, photovoltaics and wind power - are also in business with the commercial enterprises: with robots for sewer inspections in practical tests. Will this relationship become a permanent one? garage DU will stay tuned...


Summertime is sunny time

and also the time of Smart Inspection. Then, in cooperation with Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (DVV), a photovoltaic-performance analysis is planned. And there are also plans for a Smart Inspection - with its drone technology and artificial intelligence for buildings, district heating, indoor, photovoltaics and wind power - are also in business with the commercial enterprises: with robots for sewer inspections in practical tests. Will this relationship become a permanent one? garage DU will stay tuned...

RideBee and duisport, that fits.

From project partner to official customer, another winning story from garage DU. Thanks to a digital platform and suitable apps, RideBee offers commuters the opportunity to organize carpools to work and home, reduce CO₂ emissions and save on travel costs.

Duisport was able to be fully on-boarded with RideBee, with the port being the largest customer with 19 locations and supporting the project with six employees. Duisport launched a special communication campaign to draw attention to the new offer - with an information stand and a wheel of fortune. The X-factor is the networking: many colleagues only knew each other briefly from the departments, RideBee connects. In the future, blue collar workers in particular are to be made aware of RideBee, as they are the ideal target group due to their frequent shift work. One highlight: there are competitions where you can win fuel vouchers if you form the most car pools.


RideBee and duisport, that fits.

From project partner to official customer, another winning story from garage DU. Thanks to a digital platform and suitable apps, RideBee offers commuters the opportunity to organize carpools to work and home, reduce CO₂ emissions and save on travel costs.

Duisport was able to be fully on-boarded with RideBee, with the port being the largest customer with 19 locations and supporting the project with six employees. Duisport launched a special communication campaign to draw attention to the new offer - with an information stand and a wheel of fortune. The X-factor is the networking: many colleagues only knew each other briefly from the departments, RideBee connects. In the future, blue collar workers in particular are to be made aware of RideBee, as they are the ideal target group due to their frequent shift work. One highlight: there are competitions where you can win fuel vouchers if you form the most car pools.

Future-proof real estate

that can also be buildings from the Wilhelminian era! Like the beautiful old building in Duisburg-Ruhrort. The fact that the harbor district is to become environmentally neutral by 2029fits perfectly - because also in the project of Concular project sustainability should be the trump card. This does the young company together with GEBAG, which is a great match of the Demo Night of the garage DU 2023 is a great match. Dhe currently vacant property is to be be converted and filled with life again. The plan is to create an exhibition space for citizens that brings the topic of recycling to life.recycling a tangible experience. Because circular construction, in line with a flourishing circular economy, is what Concular specializes in circular construction. How does it work? With the help of Snformation, plansn and photos are used to determine exactly which recyclable materials can be reused or installed elsewhere - This can also serve as a model for other housesthat are getting on in years. A well-rounded project.


Future-proof real estate

that can also be buildings from the Wilhelminian era! Like the beautiful old building in Duisburg-Ruhrort. The fact that the harbor district is to become environmentally neutral by 2029fits perfectly - because also in the project of Concular project sustainability should be the trump card. This does the young company together with GEBAG, which is a great match of the Demo Night of the garage DU 2023 is a great match. Dhe currently vacant property is to be be converted and filled with life again. The plan is to create an exhibition space for citizens that brings the topic of recycling to life.recycling a tangible experience. Because circular construction, in line with a flourishing circular economy, is what Concular specializes in circular construction. How does it work? With the help of Snformation, plansn and photos are used to determine exactly which recyclable materials can be reused or installed elsewhere - This can also serve as a model for other housesthat are getting on in years. A well-rounded project.